Choosing Between Native, Web, and Hybrid Apps: A Comprehensive Guide for Businesses

Choosing Between Native, Web, and Hybrid Apps: A Comprehensive Guide for Businesses

Native vs Web vs Hybrid Apps

To put it mildly, it can be challenging to decide which kind of mobile application to create for your company.

Which is superior: native apps, hybrid apps, or web apps? This question has a somewhat relative answer. Sincerely, it depends on what your company wants a mobile application to achieve in the first place.

Even though asking these questions is helpful, you won't get very far if you don't understand the differences between each type of mobile application or why they matter.

For this reason, we'll be outlining each type of mobile application, their benefits and drawbacks, and what these distinctions mean for the development of a mobile app for your company. There is no obvious winner in the current argument between native apps, hybrid apps, and web apps because each option has advantages and disadvantages.

Your decision will be influenced by a number of conflicting considerations, such as your timeline and money. In order to help you choose the right technology to build your app, we want to give you a solid understanding of the various types of apps that are out there.

What is Native App?

Most likely, when you think of an app, you picture a branded small symbol that resides on the screen of your smartphone.

The mobile apps you can download from the app store are actually just one kind of mobile app. They go by the name of native mobile apps. Java is used to create native Android apps, while Swift is used to create native iOS apps (you may find older iOS apps written in Objective-C).

Native mobile apps have a better user experience because they are known to be faster and more dependable than hybrid or web apps.

Additionally, they enable interaction with a device's internal hardware and API, giving your business's app access to features like: 

  • User contact lists
  • Camera(s)
  • The instrument's microphone
  • Location tracking on a device
  • Many businesses choose to create native mobile applications because they want to be able to communicate with the operating system of a device.

What are Web Apps?

A web application is essentially a website with more of a mobile application look and feel. Web apps, which may run on different internet browsers like Chrome or Safari and are created using Javascript and/or HTML5, are different from native programmes.

Due to their relative simplicity, web apps have a lower entry barrier than native apps and are typically less expensive and simpler to produce. Web apps also frequently have slower loading times and less user-friendly UI designs as a trade-off.

In addition to these drawbacks, web apps cannot be highlighted in Apple or Android app stores. As a result, your application would be less visible and more difficult to find organically. But web apps make up for what they lack in discoverability with accessibility.

Despite not being available on app stores, web apps can still be accessed from any mobile device as long as it has a web browser. And nowadays, almost every gadget has a web browser, from smartwatches to smart TVs.

What are Hybrid Apps?

Mobile hybrid apps, as their name suggests, incorporate features from both native and web apps. Hybrid mobile apps fall between between native apps and web apps because they may be installed on the device and used in a web browser.

These apps are composed of two components:

1. Code in the backend.

2. The local shell (which allows it to be downloadable on app stores).

Progressive web apps are similar to hybrid apps (PWA). Although there are some significant distinctions, both are a little bit of a hybrid of native and web programmes.

PWAs lack an app icon because they aren't offered in app stores, but users can still create one on their smartphone. Additionally, they tend to be easier to customize, less expensive to build, and provide superior speed than hybrid apps in areas where there is slow internet.

Key Differences between Native, Web and Hybrid App

Web apps are mobile-friendly webpages that may be installed directly on a device without the use of an app store. Instead, they are accessed via browsers on desktop computers or mobile devices.

For one platform alone, native apps are created. They are quick and perform well as a result. They cannot be accessed through browsers and must be downloaded from one of the many app shops. Therefore, in the case of Native apps, code reuse is at a minimum.

Hybrid apps are created using both web and native app development methods. These programmes are accessible both through browsers and can be downloaded to mobile devices. They perform better than responsive websites, but not as well as native apps do.

This blog delves deeply into the distinctions between the Web and hybrid and native apps.


Understanding the distinctions between each option is essential for making the best decision, so you're on the right track. Your final choice will largely depend on the requirements of your startup. Native, mobile web, and hybrid applications all have advantages and disadvantages. Working with app developers who can successfully and economically realise your idea is crucial after weighing your possibilities. A good option to test-run your idea without recruiting permanent in-house workers is to outsource your app development. Your mobile app development project will feel more like a natural progression than a huge leap into unfamiliar territory if you work with a skilled outsource development team.

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