Digital Transformation in Healthcare & its trends in 2022

Digital Transformation in Healthcare & its trends in 2022

If you work in the healthcare sector, you'll be pleased to learn that digital transformation in healthcare has a huge potential to save expenses while streamlining operational procedures and improving the patient experience overall.

What is Digital Transformation in healthcare sector?

Utilizing cutting-edge technology, techniques, and processes, digitalization in healthcare aims to provide patients, healthcare providers, and healthcare organisations with lasting value. In order to optimise benefits, it basically involves accepting and using cutting-edge technologies and creative ways.

A recent survey by Deloitte found that 92% of healthcare institutions and professionals improved performance as a result of digital transformation.

Let's look at the advantages of digital transformation in heath for patients, and the healthcare sector with its changing trends.

Benefits of Digital Transformation

Patients benefit significantly from digital transformation thanks to digital healthcare technologies. Let's examine them below.

Superior and more individualised services

The application of digital transformation in healthcare provides better and more effective health diagnosis as well as individualised treatment.

Enhanced Interaction with Doctors

Patients can now access expert healthcare services available on the internet through video conversations, chat, treatment plans, and the delivery of clear prescriptions by email or the healthcare site.

Simple Access to Health Information

Patients have easy access to, control over, and even the ability to fully analyse their health metrics online.

Scheduling appointments conveniently

Patients can book appointments with doctors at a time that is most convenient for them thanks to the digital transformation of healthcare.

The healthcare trends in 2022

Here's a more detailed look at how the digital transformation of healthcare will progress in 2022:

The promise of enhanced electronic health records with blockchain

A poor reputation for blockchain has lately emerged as a result of the collapse of the bitcoin bubble. The ordinary individual now views blockchain as this nebulous, perplexing term that doesn't really affect their lives. In fact, this technology will soon be crucial to maintaining the accuracy and security of their electronic health records. 

Blockchain is a computerised database of transactions or a digital ledger. It enables clients to securely exchange financial data with suppliers across a system of computers without involving a middleman like a bank. The pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors have already invested millions in this market, attesting to its effectiveness.

The expansion of healthcare on demand

When you hear the term "on-demand," you likely picture customers who prefer to get what they want when, when, and how they want it. Due to the increasing need for on-demand healthcare among patients with hectic schedules, the healthcare sector is entering an era of digital innovation. Mobile is crucial when thinking about content marketing.

Simply said, during the past ten years, people have gotten much more mobile. Mobility is the of the game, and as of 2018, more than 50% of all web browsing worldwide takes place on mobile devices.

Big data's significance in healthcare

Big data compiles data about a company from sources including social media, e-commerce, online transactions, as well as financial activities and discovers patterns and trends for later use.

Big data can provide the healthcare sector a number of significant advantages, including:

  • Lower rate of medication errors: By analysing patient records, software can identify any discrepancies in a patient's health, warning patients and medical personnel when there is a chance of a prescription error.
  • Facilitating Preventive Care: Frequent flyers, or repeat patients, make up a large portion of the population entering emergency rooms. They may represent as much as 28% of visitors. Big data analysis could be used to develop defence mechanisms to stop them from resurfacing.

The rise of wearable medical technology

Companies gathering their own health information from medical devices, particularly wearable technology, is another trend of the digitalization in healthcare.

 Most patients used to be content to visit their doctors only when anything went wrong and only once a year for a physical. But in the modern era, people are putting more of an emphasis on preventive and maintenance and constantly asking for information about their health. Because of this, healthcare organisations are taking an active approach by investing in wearable technological devices that can offer high-risk patients with ongoing monitoring to ascertain the possibility of a serious health event.

Predictive aspect 

Predicting which ailments and diseases may become significant problems in the near future is another aspect of the digital transformation of healthcare. Healthcare organisations can offer suggestions for healthy lifestyles for their patients with the aid of information gathered through Big Data as well as other marketing sources.

For instance, you may employ an analyst to examine keyword activity on popular search engines and social media platforms to identify the most popular queries for diseases, disorders, and general health. The analyst might then create a predictive model to forecast where and when the next significant health issue will emerge as well as how your business can get ready for it.

Analysis of the disease history

On-Demand Healthcare Solutions are also included. In order to give patients the best care possible, doctors are using an increasing number of digital healthcare tools to help them examine a patient's disease history.

For instance, BostonGene is unquestionably noteworthy. The business is renowned for providing complete clinical and research solutions, including the instrument for analysing disease histories. The technology from BostonGene can analyse a patient's past illnesses in great detail and offer a completely individualised treatment plan that may yield the greatest outcomes.

AI Inspection

AI screening using artificial intelligence technology is an emerging trend in the digital revolution of healthcare. In essence, AI screening aids hospital staff in identifying which patients require attention first and directs them to the proper resources. In order to lighten the workload on medical employees, many hospitals around the world have used AI-based chatbots and speech systems for patient screening.

AI Screening, for instance, could assist in guiding patients to the appointment booking line, the lab, or the pharmacy. This can lessen the number of people who needlessly assemble in the waiting area and ease some of the workload on the medical staff.


Thus, The rate of digital transformation in health is accelerating. Better patient care as well as outcomes have resulted from various improved healthcare services that have been sparked by it. Moreover, the healthcare sector cannot afford to be lax given the growing demand from people for contemporary healthcare services.

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