Importance of Cloud Computing in Healthcare Industry

Importance of Cloud Computing in Healthcare Industry

The use of cloud computing in healthcare lowers costs while increasing industrial efficiency. Sharing medical records is made simpler and safer thanks to cloud computing, which also simplifies back-end tasks and makes it easier to create and maintain telehealth programmes.

Cloud Computing in Healthcare Industry

The application of distant servers over the internet is the core of cloud computing in the healthcare industry. It facilitates the handling, processing, and storage of medical data. Cloud storage makes it simple for medical professionals and institutions to use web servers to safely store a vast amount of data. Such servers are often maintained by IT professionals.

In order to retain and secure their patient records, medical businesses have used cloud-based solutions since the EMR (Electronic Medical Records) Mandate came into effect. Additionally, cloud-based solutions were adopted by healthcare organisations even though they had no plans to move their current data centres to the cloud.

Top Benefits of Cloud Computing for Healthcare

The following are some advantages of using cloud computing in healthcare:

A Cost-Effective Method for Archiving Healthcare Data

Every year, healthcare practitioners generate enormous volumes of digital data. These consist of prescriptions, EMRs, insurance claims, and lab tests. Cloud computing makes it easier to manage that data effectively. Cloud computing's increased data storage capacity allows cloud-based analytical tools to make better use of the data and transform it into useful information.

Expansion of telemedicine

Telemedicine's development has been hastened by the use of cloud computing in healthcare. Apps that run in the cloud and telemedicine platforms improve accessibility, provide patient medical insurance during treatment, prevention, and recuperation, and help share healthcare data. Additionally, several apps offer more sophisticated features like virtual drug usage analysis or video conferencing for doctor sessions. In a nutshell, cloud computing is essential for improving telemedicine-based medical treatment.

Improved Cooperation

Collaboration is enhanced by the use of cloud technologies in healthcare. Patients no longer need to bring their personal medical records with them when they visit a doctor thanks to the EMR in the cloud. Even doctors have the ability to share data, check previous consultations with other medical experts, and share data. It helps with more accurate diagnosis and treatment while saving time for both doctors and patients.

Easy interoperability

Creating data linkages via the healthcare system is the main goal of interoperability, regardless of where the data is stored. Healthcare interoperability is made possible by cloud technologies, which also make patient data available for flexible dissemination and the acquisition of insights to speed up healthcare delivery. Medical practitioners may access patient medical data gathered from various sources, distribute it to key stakeholders, and deliver protocols on time thanks to cloud computing in healthcare.

Few examples of cloud computing in Healthcare 

  1. NetApp- A hybrid cloud data services provider is NetApp. Its management platform provides clinical data in real time, which helps operations become speedier and more effective by reducing EHR latency, hastening backup and restoration, making it simpler to accommodate growing workloads and data volumes, and streamlining data management. 

  1. ClearDATA- It's HIPAA-compliant cloud safeguards sensitive patient data through compliance safeguards, devops automation, and healthcare expertise. It is built to work well with other public clouds. Additionally, the platform supports crucial apps and swiftly reacts to changes in cloud accounts by automatically detecting those changes.

  1. Nintex- It improves the overall patient satisfaction by getting rid of paper papers, streamlining manual tasks, and pulling crucial data out of silos. From nurses and physicians to the manufacturers of drugs and medical devices, the company offers its automation services to a wide range of healthcare industry experts.

  1. CareCloud- The open platform provided by CareCloud aids healthcare providers in increasing their efficacy and efficiency. In order to give better care, it also enables them to interact directly with patients. Revenue cycle management, practice management, electronic health records, patient experience, mobile apps, healthcare analytics, and more applications are available.

  1. Athenahealth- Healthcare providers can manage patient information analytics, documentation, and services on the cloud-based platform hosted by Athenahealth. Access to patient health records, telemedicine assistance, revenue cycle management, and individualised marketing initiatives are all made possible via the application.

Few advantages of cloud computing in healthcare 


 The cloud can hold large amounts of information at a very low cost. Cloud computing operates on a pay-as-you-go  subscription model, which means you only  pay for the services  you receive. By shifting  IT budgets from Capex to Opex, cloud technology can significantly reduce your internal infrastructure and other operational costs. 


Before choosing any technology, speed is an important factor to consider. With minimal effort, cloud-based solutions can update and improve their capabilities at a respectable rate, and you can also get real-time updates on all the pertinent information. Unmatched speed and quicker access to information are two advantages of cloud computing in healthcare that can get past the roadblocks that both patients and industry stakeholders are facing.

Scalability and Flexibility

 The environment in which healthcare companies work is always changing. Healthcare technology including electronic medical records, phone applications, patient registries, IoT devices, and big data analytics are made possible by the cloud. It offers hassle-free scalability and versatility, which ultimately enhances the ability to make decisions.


Healthcare information must remain private. Due to the wealth of data this domain is home to, hostile actors are drawn to it, which leads to protection and privacy breaches. Because it has specialised security technologies that can alert you to dubious attempts, the cloud network provides security.


Collaboration is made easier through sharing. With the advent of cloud computing, sharing data has gotten much simpler and easier. The cloud enables safe real-time data sharing across all important healthcare stakeholders, including doctors, nurses, and caregivers, despite the fact that healthcare information is supposed to remain confidential. In addition to sharing, they have remote access to medical records and reports at any time.


Therefore, Tech-savvy healthcare professionals are utilising cloud computing for all of its advantages to successfully handle the demands of business and patients. With its on-demand accessibility, internet-based solutions, and high data availability, cloud computing has completely changed the healthcare industry and turned it into a HealthTech industry.

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