The Power of IoT in Healthcare Industry | Use Cases, Benefits & Challenges

The Power of IoT in Healthcare Industry | Use Cases, Benefits & Challenges

Almost everyone has access to healthcare services because of IoT in the medical sector. The objective is to close the gap and provide everyone with access to healthcare help. IoT healthcare phones facilitate the management of chronic diseases; IoT process automation patient care workflow; IoT quickly culls, analyses, and distributes information to keep everyone on the page; IoT lessens inefficiency and errors; IoT optimises the pharmacological production process which can lead to lower drug prices; IoT maintains quality control.

Medical diagnostics account for a sizable amount of hospital costs. The routines of medical examinations can be moved by technology from a hospital (which is hospital-centric) to the patient's home (home-centric). If patients get the results they need, hospital costs will go down.

What is IoT exactly, and why is it significant in the healthcare industry?

IoT is, in a nutshell, the idea of fully interconnected devices, which is the handling of data connected to outside activity or things. Connecting electrical gadgets with microcomputers and sensors so they may communicate with one another is known as ubiquitous computing. IoT is similar to a ubiquitous network, but every electrical device on it has connection to the Web.

IoT in the health industry is an excellent illustration of this ubiquitous computing. For instance, it is possible to install thousands of intelligent devices in a hospital to continuously monitor patients' health, communicate with one another, decide things, and upload data to a cloud-based healthcare platform.

The Role of IoT in Healthcare

Let's look at how IoT functions generally to better grasp how it applies to healthcare. As was mentioned above, an IoT device may be thought of as a gadget with a sensing that can communicate with the real world and transmit data to the Internet.

These medical devices have the capacity to compile a range of patient data and elicit feedback from specialists. A successful example of Internet of Things in healthcare is constant sugar tracking for insulin pens used by diabetic patients.

All of these gadgets have the ability to connect with one another and, occasionally, conduct crucial actions that could offer quick assistance or even saving a life. For instance, if an elderly person falls down, an IoT healthcare gadget can make a wise decision like contacting the healthcare facility. An IoT medical device would communicate this vital data to cloud after gathering passive data so that clinicians may act on it – view the overall patient state, determine deciding whether to contact an ambulance, figuring out what kind of assistance is required, and so on.

IoT Health may thereby significantly enhance patient health and provide assistance in urgent situations, as well as boost medical staff productivity and streamline hospital procedures. 

Healthcare applications of IoT — Process

Let's examine a workflow for IoT in healthcare as an example:

  1. Patients can provide data to a sensor, or a doctor or nurse can input data.
  2. An IoT device uses machine learning and other AI-driven algorithms to analyse the data it has acquired (ML).
  3. The gadget decides whether to take action or upload the data to the cloud.
  4. Based on the information provided by the IoT gadget, doctors, healthcare professionals, and even robots are able to make sensible decisions.

Therefore, the process of healthcare applications completely depends on the above mentioned example.

Benefits of IoT in healthcare industry 

Here are some major benefits of the use of IoT in healthcare industries: 

Monitoring and reporting simultaneously

In the situation of a medical emergency like cardiac arrest, diabetes, respiratory problems, etc., remote health surveillance via connected devices could save lives.

The IoT device gathers and transmits health information, including ECGs, blood pressure readings, oxygen and blood glucose levels, and weight.

These data are kept in the server and are allowed to share with a person who has permission to see them. This person may be your doctor, your insurance provider, a participating health company, or an outside consultant. This person may access the data from any location at any time using any device.

Affordability and full Connectivity

With the aid of healthcare mobility solutions, other innovative IoT technologies, and cutting-edge healthcare facilities, IoT can optimize patient care workflow.

The effective delivery of healthcare services is made possible by the Internet of Things (IoT), which enables compatibility, artificial intelligence machine-to-machine connection, information exchange, and data migration.

Therefore, a technology-driven system lowers the cost of healthcare by reducing unneeded visits, leveraging resources of higher quality, and enhancing resource allocation and planning.

Gathering and Analysing data

Due to their real-time applications, healthcare devices send enormous amounts of data that might be difficult to store and manage without connectivity to the cloud.

It is challenging even for medical practitioners to collect data from many devices and resources and manually analyse it. Additionally, healthcare operations give businesses access to crucial healthcare analytics and information insights that speed up judgement and reduce the likelihood of mistakes.

Medical care provided Remotely

With the help of sophisticated mobile apps, patients can reach a doctor located many kilometres away in an emergency.

With the use of mobility solutions, healthcare professionals may quickly examine patients and diagnose illnesses while on the go.

Additionally, many IoT-based public healthcare chains want to construct machines that may dispense drugs depending on the prescriptions of patients and disease-related information made available by linked devices.

Research technologies 

Applications for the Internet of Things in healthcare might be used for research as well. It's because IoT makes it possible for us to get a tonne of information on the patient's sickness that would have taken years to gather otherwise.

This information can then be utilized for statistical analysis to aid in the advancement of medical research.

IoT thus not only saves a lot of time but also money that would be spent on research.

IoT applications in the healthcare sector

Here are a few impressive IoT uses in healthcare:

  1. Hearables

Modern hearing aides called hearables have drastically changed how people with hearing loss interact with the outside world.

  1. Multifunctional sensors

In fact, ingestible sensors are a wonder of contemporary science. These sensors, which are about the size of pills, keep track of the drug in our bodies and alert us if they notice any abnormalities.

  1. Moodables

Moodables are mood-enhancer gadgets that make us feel better all day long. Although it may seem like speculative fiction, it is actually quite close to reality.

  1. Use of Computer Vision

Drone technology that tries to replicate visual perception and, consequently, decision-making based on it has emerged thanks to computer vision technology and AI.

  1. Video-enabled pills

To get a clear picture of the patient's intestinal tract, a smart pill passes through it.

Therefore, The delivery of amenities to the healthcare sector is altered by IoT.


However, there are still plenty of benefits being worked on that will eventually become apparent. Consider automated processes as an example. Researchers have been developing intelligent healthcare robots that can do extremely important procedures using IoT and ML. But these robots still have a long way to go before they can be used on patients who are humans. 

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