What is DevOps? And How does it work? With Examples

What is DevOps? And How does it work? With Examples

Application development (Dev) and IT management are combined in a set of procedures called "DevOps"(Ops). It seeks to speed up the system operations and offer continuous software delivery of the highest calibre. DevOps and Agile software development are closely related, and several DevOps elements were influenced by Agile.

The combination of organizational philosophies, practices, and tools known as DevOps improves an organization's capacity to deliver services and apps at high velocity: products evolve and improve more quickly than they would in organisations using conventional software development and construction management processes. For example,This speed enables businesses to deliver better customer service and engage in more lucrative market competition.

DevOps Workflow

Development and operations teams aren't any more "siloed" under a DevOps approach. There are instances when these two teams are combined into one, where the technical solutions across the whole application lifecycle—from design and testing to deployment and operations—acquire a variety of tools with skills which are not bound with any single function.

Quality control and security personnel may also interact more closely with developers and operations throughout the lifecycle of an application under various DevOps models. A DevOps team that places security as their top priority is known as a DevSecOps team. The laborious and manual tasks from the past are now automated by these teams using procedures. They use a technological stack and tooling that speed up the reliable operation and application evolution. The use of these tools also enables engineers to autonomously complete tasks.

For example- provisioning infrastructure or delivering code, can be a good example that previously required assistance from other teams, which further boosts a team's velocity. 

Several Well-known Dev-Ops Tools

Although the correct tools are essential for an efficient DevOps implementation, employing the tools alone does not guarantee a successful DevOps implementation. Only when tools are utilised at the very end, when the organisation has already committed to implementing DevOps' best practises, are they still useful. For a better understanding, I'd still like to clearly mention these instruments and some of these are :-

● Release tools- Jenkins, Travis, teamcity and bamboo.

● Configuration Management tools- Puppet, chef, Ansible and saltstack.

● Some coding and testing tools include Jira, git, JUnit, Zephyr and many more. 

● Monitoring, Virtualization and Containerization tools include- AWS, Openstack, sensu, spanking etc. 

● Orchestration tools- Zookeeper, Noah and Mesos.

Characteristics of DevOps 

You may develop applications for your clients more quickly and more quickly and agilely respond to shifting market trends thanks to DevOps.


Move quickly so you can develop for clients more quickly, better adjust to shifting markets, and become more effective at generating business results. Your development and operations teams can accomplish these goals thanks to the DevOps approach. For example, teams can take control of services and change them more quickly thanks to microservices and continuous delivery.

2.Quick Delivery

Increase release frequency and speed so you can create and enhance your product more quickly. You may respond to client requests and gain a competitive edge more quickly by releasing new features and fixing bugs. Practices like continuous improvement and continuous delivery automate the entire software release cycle, from development through deployment.

3. Reliability

Ensure the calibre of development authority and infrastructure modifications so you can deliver consistently at a faster rate while keeping the end user experience good. Test any change to ensure it is secure and functional using techniques like integrated technologies distribution. You can keep up with performance in real-time with the aid of monitoring and logging procedures.


Manage and run your development and infrastructure operations at scale. You can handle complicated or changing systems effectively and with less risk if you use automation and consistency. For example, managing your research, test, and production support in a consistent and more effective way is made possible by infrastructure as code.

5.Collaboration Is Better

DevOps cultural paradigm, which places an emphasis on principles like ownership and responsibility, can help you create more productive teams. Teams from operations and development frequently work together, split up tasks, and merge workflows. This decreases inefficiency and saves a lot of time. For example, reducing the time between development and operations handoffs, or creating code that considers the context in which it will run.


Move swiftly while maintaining compliance and control. Utilizing configuration management methods, automated compliance regulations, and fine-grained controls, you may implement a DevOps paradigm without compromising security. You may establish and afterwards track conformity at scale. For example, using infrastructure as software and policy as code.

DevOps: Why It Matters

What, besides being worth billions of dollars to corporations, do businesses like Flipkart, Amazon, Spotify, Netflix, Hotstar, and Uber have in common? They all operate their enterprises online, if not only through applications.

But do you recognize what makes them more successful than their forerunners and rivals? It's the capacity to roll out modifications and innovations while continuously testing many things at the same time, as well as the ability to resolve any technical issue in a matter of minutes.The world and its sectors, from retail to entertainment to finance, have been completely altered by software and the Internet. Software now plays a crucial role in every aspect of a business, going beyond simply providing assistance. Through software supplied as online services or applications and on a variety of devices, businesses communicate with their customers. 

Additionally, they employ software to transform every step of the value chain, including logistics, communications, and operations, in order to improve operational efficiencies. Companies now must change how they produce and distribute software in a similar way to how physical goods companies changed how they design, build, and deliver things utilising industrial automation throughout the 20th century.


Therefore, Software development and informatics operations are combined to generate the phrase "DevOps." By adopting DevOps into your company operations, you can obtain visibility into the whole pipeline of your organisation. By doing this, you're also enabling your staff to operate less redundantly and more productively.

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