Advantages of React Native Technology with examples.

Advantages of React Native Technology with examples.

It seems a little difficult to create mobile apps for all platforms using just one architecture. React Native, on the other hand, streamlines the process of developing apps for several platforms by allowing for the reuse of the majority of the code.React Native is utilized in a wide variety of industries and has been subsequently adopted by hundreds of firms globally, namely Uber, Microsoft, and Facebook.

But before you commit fully to React Native, it's critical that you fully grasp how it operates and determine whether it's the right choice for your project. These days, many businesses prefer to use React Native to build their apps because it enables them to launch those apps across both platforms with only one piece of code. Additionally, it eliminates the need for two distinct development teams to be hired and paid to maintain two different code bases.

Advantages of React Native Technology

You can find numerous solutions and advantages with React Native that you couldn't with other frameworks. Here are some benefits that come with mobile app development.

1. Compatibility across platforms

The React Native framework's "usage of one codebase" is one of its key benefits. Cross-platform apps therefore exhibit the same level of efficiency as native apps. Building software that is adaptable to several hardware platforms is known as cross-platform development. Microsoft Windows, Linux, macOS, or any two of these operating systems can all be used by a cross-platform programme.

For example, a cross-platform programme is one that works the same way on any computer or mobile device, such as an internet browser or Adobe Flash.

2. Pre-built components and reusable code

Cross-platform mobile app development is based on the idea that developed code can be reused for both iOS and Android apps. The same idea underlies React Native. It adheres to the principle of "write once, publish everywhere.This gives developers more convenience. They don't have to create unique designs for several platforms.

3. Coding in a well-known programming language Reliable

If your developers are already proficient in JavaScript, they won't need to learn additional languages or coding syntaxes in order to create your app utilising React Native. For example, if a developer is already familiar with JavaScript or React, learning React Native will be simple. It's crucial that they are aware of which web components match to which mobile components.

4. Create reliable and efficient apps

Everyone uses the Facebook phone app today, and it does have the same experience as a native mobile app. Since React Native became open-source, more businesses have begun utilising it to create their mobile applications. Examples include Walmart, Skype, Instagram, and other services.

5. Support for external plugins

Support for external plugins is provided by React Native. The two sorts of plugins that can be used are JavaScript Modules and Native Modules. Therefore, using React Native, you may link to any plugin that has a Native or third-party module.For example, if you wish to add Google Calendar or Google Maps to your basic app.

6. Industry support and community popularity 

React Native receives the most substantial community support out of all the cross-platform technologies. Your developers can seek assistance from community experts using React Native. React Native app development would undoubtedly continue to be important in the future thanks to Facebook's growth and the assistance of numerous businesses and open source contributors.

7. Creates Rich UI 

With the aid of pre-made declarative components like Button, Picker, Slider, Switch, and so forth, Rich UI React Native enables you to design distinctive and captivating user interfaces. For example, To create your own components, you can use TouchableNativeFeedback and TouchableOpacity. For it to function properly on iOS and Android mobile devices, there are numerous extra components available that are specific to those operating systems.

Examples of React Native-built applications

Now, it's time to look at the products created with React Native so that you understand what it is and how it functions. Here is our list of the top React Native applications.


Given that Facebook invented the React Native programming language and was the driving force behind its development, it should come as no surprise that React Native was created as a result of Facebook's efforts to bring all the advantages of web development to mobile, including quick revisions and a single team for product development. The business utilised it to produce its own iOS and Android versions of the Ads Manager app, both of which were made by the same development team.


From the iconography to the new message layout, which now contains three discussion sections: locate, chat, and capture, the new app has undergone a total revamp. Microsoft, the company that runs Skype, made the decision to employ React Native not just for the platform's smartphone app but also for its desktop version.


Instagram made the decision to include React Native into its current native app, beginning with the WebView-based Push notification view. Fortunately, there was no need to construct the navigation infrastructure because the user interface could function just fine without it. By utilising React Native, product teams to increase developer pace by between 85% and 99%.


Walmart's mobile apps for iOS and Android are yet another intriguing React Native example. The American supermarket chain has a reputation for making risky technology choices, one of which was to completely rewrite its mobile apps in React Native.The efficiency of both iOS and Android apps significantly increased after switching to React Native, approaching native levels. A single team oversees the management and development of both apps, and 95% of the codebase between Android and iOS is shared.

Therefore, more such apps like pinterest, ubereats, shine, SoundCloud pulse etc are good examples of React Native Technology.


In conclusion, React Native offers a variety of distinctive advantages. It is easier to create, provides greater quality, simulates a Native app functionality without having to create one, etc. However, the technological stack you choose will primarily depend on the needs of your firm. Hence, React Native offers a variety of distinctive advantages. It is easier to create, provides greater quality, simulates a Native app functionality without having to create one, etc. However, the technological stack you choose will primarily depend on the needs of your firm.

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