What Is a Headless CMS? Understanding the Benefits and Use Cases

Learn about headless CMS and its benefits with our comprehensive guide. Discover how it separates backend content management from frontend presentation, providing greater flexibility and scalability for your digital content.

What Is a Headless CMS? Understanding the Benefits and Use Cases

Digital content management has seen a rise in the popularity of headless CMS over the past few years. CMS is an abbreviation for content management system. This article describes the headless CMS concept, its advantages, and the kinds of businesses that are using it. Additionally, it demonstrates how the demise of old or legacy material management systems and the rise of more contemporary headless solutions were both driven by the digital content apocalypse.

What is Headless CMS?

Its architecture is separated in a headless CMS. Although the headless, decoupled CMS provides back end content management, it is missing a front end presentation tier for content display.

Instead, the platform must enable developers to alter the presentation tier using any front-end tool they desire to display content in order to adhere to the headless CMS definition. This enables them to deliver content beyond websites (known as a decapitated website) and apps to any channel, including kiosks, smartwatches, and even VR headsets.

How does Headless CMS Work?

By giving authors an api for editing content and exposing that information via APIs for programmers to query and build apps with, a headless CMS operates by separating the content creation process from the software design experience. Authors of material can concentrate on writing. Developers can concentrate on writing code. Everyone is working on their strengths.

A traditional CMS, in contrast, blurs the distinctions between tasks, making you a part developer, writer, and security analyst. This works great on a small scale, but as a firm expands, it may rapidly become overpowering, much like a tea party.

Developers can utilise a set of APIs to access the material kept in the empty CMS and deliver the information wherever they see fit.

This indicates that security, scalability, and servers are taken good care of for you and not you worrying about them. This is a boosted version of a typical headless CMS that provides you with all of these advantages and more. It offers a React-based editor that is simple to set up and personalise. collaborating on information in real time for documents. editors' advanced publishing workflows. Moreover, structured content models are used to power everything from digital signage to mobile apps.

Use Cases of Headless CMS

  • Separating your website's tech infrastructure from your content will enable you to move more quickly.
  • Websites and web applications built with JavaScript frameworks (such as SvelteKit, React/Next.js, and Nuxt.js).
  • Websites developed utilising static site generators like Jekyll, Gatsby, Middleman, or Hugo.
  • Native apps for mobile (iOS, Android, Windows Phone)

One can add a suitable CMS for the marketing  to your eCommerce stack (such as Shopify, BigCommerce, Commercetools, Hybris, Magento2, or others).

  • Use it to schedule the release of new features for the features that belong to your own product.
  • As a user interface for configuring your home automation system.
  • Or to oversee content for your company's intranet.

Headless CMS vs Traditional CMS Comparison 

Smart, internet-connected objects are referred to as the "Internet of Things." Smart appliances like the Nest thermostat, virtual personal assistants like Amazon Alexa or Google Home, and wearables like Fitbit are a few instances of IoT.

The headless CMS is a recent technological development.

The CMS evolved as a crucial technology that helped businesses manage their websites more conveniently after the early years of the Internet. IBM's FileNet and Vignette Story Server were among the very first internet content management technologies of note, and they set the stage for what was to come. The world's first digital channel (the Web) was successfully established as a means of distributing digital information to expanding online audiences thanks to these content management systems' prowess in the building of websites.

List of headless CMS Tools

A list of suggested headless CMS systems, both free and paid, is provided below.

1. Initial Contents

A headless CMS that offers RESTful APIs is called Contentstack. Content previews, collaboration, asset management, workflow management, and versioning are among the features. Salesforce, Eloqua, and Marketo connections are available on the platform.

Price: Free trial is offered. Offering premium and business plans.

2. Contentful

A headless, API-driven content management system is available from Contentful. Developers have total control over content, digital assets, and translations thanks to the RESTful API. The ability to serve API payloads in the sub-100ms range is made possible through caching strategies and CDN integrations. This headless CMS provides a rich-text editor, content modelling tools, and the ability to show JSON snippets. For increased website flexibility, it can also be integrated with static site generators.

Price options include free, premium, and enterprise plans.

3. DotCMS

DotCMS is a Programming language platform that supports several languages and tenants. Moreover, it has a WYSIWYG editor and drag-and-drop features that let marketers create workflows, model content, and change page layouts. This web content system is available for on-site or cloud hosting. The platform offers personalisation, custom endpoint construction, and an analytics dashboard. AWS, Docker, Salesforce, and other third-party development and martech tools are also supported for integration.

Pricing: tiered business subscriptions and free self-hosted editions.

4. Cockpit

Described as a "content supplier" and "not a website builder," Cockpit is a free, open-source, and self-hosted headless CMS. It is a content distribution and storage back-end-only solution. It is a headless CMS because there are no constructed editing options to control content presentation. The platform is linguistic and database agnostic and delivers and presents content using APIs and JSON.

Pricing: No charges for downloading. 

5. Basic DNA

Core dna is a headless CMS that supports e-commerce, portals, intranets, and digital experience management with more than 80 separate applications. Personalization, multisite administration, localization, integrations, framework agnosticism, and thorough inventory management are all supported by this software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform.

The tool's WYSIWYG editor, which allows rich text and media management, may be appreciated by marketers. Core DNA enables content producers to control several facets of their internet presence through a single interface.

Pricing: Premium and business plans are offered.


Brands can start making the switch to a headless strategy now that headless CMS has been discussed and there is a list of practical headless contents management systems to pick from. Nevertheless it won't be an easy task. So, Choose a system that has strong support and a platform that has all the capabilities your team requires after testing a few others.

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